
UNSW-Kohodo Joint Hydrogen Energy Laboratory

In November 2018, UNSW and Kohodo established the UNSW-KOHODO Joint Hydrogen Energy Laboratory in Shenzhen, China. The laboratory will further promote knowledge exchange between Australia and China as well as facilitate the industrialization of hydrogen technology.

In the same year, UNSW and ANU applied a national renewable energy R&D project through ARENA respectively. Kohodo Water Electrolysis Hydrogen generation technology has been integrated into both of their application and both proposed projects have successfully passed AERNA’s assessment and got approved.

Laboratory in UNSW- Industry University Research cooperation

UNSW was founded in 1949 and renowned for its chemistry, photoelectricity and quantum computing. It is a comprehensive teaching and research facility with many bases of education and research. The preliminary technology is set to complete in the laboratory of UNSW and the industrialization of the technology will be carried out in hydrogen research center in Shenzhen.